Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Topics, topics

I have a ton of ideas for the upcoming podcast assignment, but my "best three" are as follows:

  1. A genuine moment of personal enlightenment occurred at the tailgate on Saturday; it led me to the idea of collecting a ton of people's best pterodactyl impressions, including one grad assistant's description of how to make them, and working them into a piece that explores how creature sounds are synthesized in films like Jurassic Park. (Yeah...I know).

  2. I think just about everyone has a weird voice they do when they're talking to pets, making fun of a family member, or just trying to be goofy or creepy. I often wonder what the stories are behind these voices and how they have changed over time, and it's something that I could really only explore through an audio text. Also silly.

  3. As Meg mentioned in her post, she and I have been talking about doing something related to scar stories. I think this would provide a good opportunity to exploit and explore Ira Glass' argument that everybody has a story, but not everybody has a story that will work in radio. I think this is the one I'd most like to go with.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I never would have thought of the first story idea, but after witnessing one impression on Saturday, I can see where you got it. I do think the second two might be more appealing, but they may just be personal choice (plus, Jasper and Sadie have really good voices). Scar stories are likely something that everyone has and some (like the one on my knee) offer humor and insight on stupid decisions. I'm looking forward to seeing what you decide on.