Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Topic for the Final Paper

As many of you might have guessed, my plan for the final project is to discuss wikis. More specifically, I would like to investigate how this technology might be used in the technical communication classroom. Drawing from research in TC pedagogy as well as multimedia theory, I plan to explore why wikis might be considered effective tools, as well as the experiences of myself and others as we attempted to teach with them. So far, I've located relevant articles for all these areas; in case our proposal gets accepted to Computers and Writing, I'll have a lot more to say about this subject after completing my proposed research.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Hi Jen,

Wow, Wikis, what a surprise. Seriously, though, this sounds like a fruitful project for you to pursue. Jen and I are both interested in seeing how you blend the research and ideas you read about with your own and others' experiences of using wikis in TC classrooms. The drawbacks and affordances they offer to students and to their future professional communication practices seems particularly important. It would also be useful to hear about how wikis influence pedagogical practices and choices.